Tuesday, March 20, 2007

@ Chévere Nights de Fin-De-Semana

♪♪.. oooh, oh, oh .. burn it up .. girl make it hot like the roof is on fire ..♪♪
"Hello .."
"Hi, sweetie!"
"I'll be contesting in Chévere Night de Fin-De & i need you there backing me up .. would you go?"
"Of course, MI Pao! I'm there, ma' friend! 4 SURE!"
So, this is what happened: me & ma' gurl, Marielle, went there to support Pao in the contest & we met The Amazing Milagros Germán!
She said: "You 3 are so beautiful! You should definitely be on TV!"
OK! Clearly, we believed her .. It was so natural for her to say something like that .. LOOOL!
That woman in so nice and gorgeous and prepared and strong. Just admirable.
*** Take a look at the cute set ***

*** Now, me & ma' girls, fooling around ***

*** The real star of the night... ***





*** And finally, True Concept of DIVISM, Ladies & Gentlemen ***

*** POST DATA ***

[Of course I had to ask for this picture!]

by Marylin Ninoska

[everybody needs some rush in their life .. i enjoy it every second]