Friday, June 29, 2007

Not to much inspired...

Back where i wanted to be, but i'm not that comfortable with anything... Doing what i really want to do, but nothing makes any sense. Being with who i missed for a long time, but i guess i don't do it for them... Is it me or this is all bullshit?

Acting like myself, but still embarrazed about it... Sleepy, but i can't close my eyes at night... Buying what i need & want, but feeling guilty for spending my own money... Several options & paths to choose, but not enough motivation...

[Can i point that i just love "..."?]

Praying whenever comes to my head, but without sensing God near me... F*%K! Am i just destined to be a zombie for ever? This is it? Is this what i came to the world for?

I just want to follow my mision, but maybe i have none...

Got help?

[everybody needs some rush in their life .. i enjoy it every second]

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