Friday, March 7, 2008

...ya si fue!

Practiquen, practiquen... que el inglés de aquí está alante-alante...

High Thanks Village: Villa Altagracia
Give Soap: Dajabón
Long Plain: Sabana Larga
Little Henry: Enriquillo
The Blondie's Big Crab: El Cachón de la Rubia
Little Gigolo's Hole: El Hoyo de Chulín
Guava Hand: Mano Guayabo
The Orange Colors: Los Mameyes
Consolation Village: Villa Consuelo
Kill Hunger: Matahambre
Louis Big Change: Luis Cambiaso
Belt and Big Sider: Correa y Cidrón
Jane Jump and Touch Street: Juana Saltitopa
Enjailed by the Mon's Army: Preso por la Guardia de Món
The Upa's father of the Little Tree: El papa upa de la Matica
Given to the fish: Dao al pescao

...ya sí llegamos adonde íbamos.

[everybody needs some rush in their life .. i enjoy it every second]

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